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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Exploring Careers - Registered Nurse and Nurse Management

The individuals that answer your call button at the hospital or the emergency room professional that takes your vitals has completed training in the field of nursing. A wide range of professions is found within the field of nursing that range from registered nurses to head nurses (or managers) at a health care facility. A positive attitude, willingness to help others, and careful medical attention are requirements for those interested in pursuing a nursing career.A Registered Nurse (Staff Nurse) analyzes, plans, executes, and writes down all of...

Know All That It Takes To Earn An Online Associate Nursing Degree Program

Earning an online associate nursing degree program can be a matter of few months or even a year or two, and depends entirely on your self motivation and level of self discipline to complete the course work. Today, there is a high demand for trained nurses having online nursing degree as they are very necessary to get the right job you always dream of.Skills of Perfection:Today online associate nursing degree programs are quite extensive and spread over a number of disciplines. But over the years it is the online associate nursing degree program...
Friday, March 9, 2012

Nursing Can Be a Lucrative and Fulfilling Career Choice

So you've decided to pursue a career in nursing. The profession has changed mightily since the days of white stockings, thermometers and a good bedside attitude. As times have progressed, so have the number of nursing specialties. It is become a virtual alphabet soup with abbreviations such as LPN's, RN's and many others. Deciding what kind of nurse you'll be even effects your decision when attending an online university.Even something as simple as the Wikipedia lists 80 different types of nursing specialties. All of them define the profession...

Online Nursing Degree - Learn While You Earn

The great thing about securing online nursing degree is that you are in a position to pursue your training without leaving your present job and more so immediately after earning online associate nursing degree.The availability of online degree courses in nursing makes it easiest way to gain the requisite qualification for furthering your career prospects in nursing. Earning your nursing degree online in a way is easy as you can obtain your advanced nursing degree as per your convenience from your home or at work if you have any spare time as...
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Online Associate Nursing Degree - Online Nursing Courses

Hospitals, large or small, hire maximum number of nurses and have diverse working titles for them. Depending on the nurse's qualification, he or she can choose to work in the field of her specialization or even manage the central responsibilities.Various Nursing Courses ExplainedThere are a series of courses to become a nurse to a specialized nurse. The foremost course required to start a nursing career is the practical nurse course or the PN course. This course has duration of one year and it makes you a licensed practical nurse or LPN. Next...

What Are the Highest Paying Nursing Jobs?

In general, the highest paying nursing jobs will belong to those who have chosen to specialize in a particular type of nursing and will often require education in addition to the usual Bachelor Degree in nursing which is required for an RN.The top paying nursing jobs are those of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, the Nurse Researcher, the Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, and the Certified Nurse Midwife. The CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist) pays on average $135,000 a year. However, there are rigorous training requirements including...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Work Full-Time While You Get Your Nursing Degree - We Show You How!

Many people who want to go to nursing school have simply given up on the idea because they can't afford to quit work and dedicate a minimum of two years of their life, full-time, to their education. Two years is a LONG time to give up a salary.And that's just for people who want to get an Associate's Degree! The traditional Bachelor's of Science in Nursing is a four year degree.That's fine for recent high school graduates whose parents will foot the entire bill, or people who have a spouse who is working and can support them for the entire length...

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