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Monday, March 5, 2012

Nurse Practitioner Salary - Getting to Know


The very high nurse practitioner salary is definitely one of the many reasons why a lot of people want to become nurses. In some countries, medical doctors take up nursing courses in the hope of landing a nursing job in the US, where nursing salaries are much higher than salaries of doctors in third world countries. In the US, professionals from the different industries also pursue a career in nursing due to the high financial rewards that await them.

Nurses deal with sick people, expose themselves to hazardous chemicals and air-borne diseases inside hospitals, and take on big responsibilities of assuring the right medical care for every patient. Nurses work with doctors to provide relief to the sick and even extend the lives of people. Thus, salary for a nurse practitioner is among the highest in all of the medical industry. Nurse anesthetist salary is the highest among the nursing specialties, followed by midwife nurse practitioner salary.

Nurse practitioners can be found in all of the fields of medicine. They assist specialist doctors, become part of an emergency room team, administers anesthesia, installs dextrose and oxygen, takes temperature of patients, regularly monitors conditions of ICU patients, and checks healing patterns of those who have just undergone surgeries. In short, the responsibilities of nurses are even enormous compared to the medical doctors, and that explains the high nurse practitioner salary.

There are several reasons why one chooses to become part of this noble profession. For one, nurses feel satisfaction in the fact that they are taking care of the sick and alleviating the lives of those who are suffering and in pain by providing them with the needed medical assistance. While the job is toxic at times because of the exposure to hazardous hospitals waste, people still love to work as nurses. High salary can be among the reasons, but even as dermatology nurse practitioner salary is not as high as the other fields of nursing, there are still a lot of nurses who pursue this specialty.

Rough estimates would show that nurses in the US take home at least $5,200 in salary every month. The hourly registered nurse salary in the US is even higher than the daily wage of nurses in other countries. The data presented by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, however, is based on average rate, which means some nurses in other states and hospitals could be earning much higher salaries compared to those who are in other locations and facilities.

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